A Cup of Warmth
enjoying a cup of capuccino in off-roads while sorting out the tons of pictures from my recent activities. am procrastinating, i really don't want to open up my six sigma documents. anyways, for those that are on the lookout for delish, affordable and giganto servings - head over to off roads in mabolo. the interiors are sparse but comfortable. did i mention that wifi internet is free? i had to pay Php 100 for an hour of internet in manila whereas most of the coffee shops around Cebu City offer free internet connection.
which brings me to another point, avoid these places like the biblical plague towards the 12-15th or 27-31st of the month. the medrep horde of locusts usually swarm in coffeeshops for their reports.
which brings me to another point, avoid these places like the biblical plague towards the 12-15th or 27-31st of the month. the medrep horde of locusts usually swarm in coffeeshops for their reports.