The Only Difference Between Artistic and Autistic is U

attended the 4th symposium for the mathematical aspect of computer science held in UP Visayas. The venue served as an art exhibit for joya awardees. Though am less than "inspired" by the art display, one work of art cleanly stood out from the rest.

a blank canvas painted white and a cell phone SIM card stuck in the middle. duh.

reminded me of certain people who has a knack for finding the deepest meaning out of seemingly meaningless random events. in an art exhibit in makati, an artsy fartsy fellow kept gushing about a free-form sculpture calling it the symbol of man's decay.

the janitor came up and carted it off. startled, he asked where he was taking the object and the janitor replied: basura to ser. (this is the trash...)

enough said.


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