bend it like beckham

john-john, a highschool batch mate ended up as an architect and i usually get quirky emails related to unusual architectural / interior design concepts. in a previous post, i wrote about a men's restroom design executed by women.
let's just say that this montage can cause a sizable inferiority complex for men who aren't too comfortable with their "shoe size" (ehem). note the lady with the measuring tape, the camera and a magnifying glass. "measuring up" literally takes a different meaning.

in another email, john-john sent another email with the question "how to get a man to wash his hands?". obviously, if you haven't heard of that particular "debate", the fundamental issue is whether to wash hands after taking a, ah... a... hmmm... piss (in the spirit of keeping this blog wholesome, i searched far and wide for the scientific phrase to refer to pissing to no avail).

two schools of philosophy reason that washing hands is hygienic and the other presupposes that we don't piss on our hands in the first place, thus the absolute certainty of not having to wash hands. uh, right.

regardless of the argument, the sensible thing to do is to wash hands - we are in a bathroom after all. but man, creatures of short-lived attention and instant gratification need the incentive to perform the ritual. so i present to you, another vision for man to wash his hands. (click read.more to see the next vision of men's restrooms)

clever, but very sexist. the buzzing question that's on my mind though is the answer to the question... "how do i get a woman to wash her hands..." - any creative answer from interior designers and architects out there? hmmm, that question will probably remain one of the world's greatest mystery.


the title is SOOOO obvious don't you think?


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