Murder is Hip

Wrangler recently released a french campaign ad "We Are Animals" done by Ryan McGinley. women rolling around in a mud wrestling event is kinky and sexy. floating dead people is just sick. (click read.more for more pictures)

Wrangler may think this is chic, but most of us "ordinary" peeps are not so thrilled with wearing dead people's jeans. they should have changed the tag line, "wear our jeans, it kills you". i guess when their CEO says "heads are going to roll" he sets up the guillotine.

Wrangler sounds like a neck-breaking serial killer name.


really sick.


Anonymous said…
ahehehe. weird advertisement.. at least its not chop chop lady with lots of blood... ewww..
Cacho said…
hmmm last night i was watching numbalikdiwa starring maricel soriano and albert martinez. an indie horror film, lots of bodies getting choppep up. yikes.

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