square things

macro or eXtreme close-up photography has always been a fascinating interest for me. a vista of life is nothing more than the sum of its smaller parts. the subjects vary and the themes diverse but it serves one purpose: an invitation to look closer.

here are some pictures from a square perspective.

(click on read.more for notes and individual shots)

badian: butterfly on a fern. these curiously interesting spotted butterflies are attracted to a certain fern growing right outside the resthouse in stuckli beach, badian
sri lanka: lotus leaf. outside the temple of ganggarama flower vendors sell incredibly vibrant lotus flowers. bees constantly land to harvest pollen and nectar
carcar-barili: stopover from carcar to barili, molave milkstation where this interesting iron cow fixture serve as a door banger to call the attention of the ladies tending the shop
fort san pedro / cebu city: these bright yellow orange flowers grow in clusters that are slightly bigger than a thumbnail.
jazz n blues / cebu city: lamp fixtures that dot the corners and tables of this jazz bar. i like the use of beads that lent a luminous glow from the candle
barili: flowers alongside the road of the old part of town. houses usually have flowering trees and shrubs and i grabbed the chance to take some snaps. angels are my creation.
mr. cofee / one mango: coffee mugs line the shelves of the counter. ironically, i am not a coffee drinker and prefer to order the fruit and milk based concoctions
forest park / taculing bacolod city: amidst the verdant green leaves is this red flower. a shallow depth of field made it stand out despite the "busy" background
jazz n blues / cebu city: colored capiz shells were used to create an imitation of a lotus that serve as a candle holder.
tuyan / naga city: vines that crawl along the wire fence have this curiously veiny bulbs. it pops when squeezed lightly.
fort san pedro / cebu city: this is part of the moss that grows on the wall of the old fort. a closer look shows an imitation of green grassy fields with green trees. angels are my own creation.


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