
i guess that's the best way you can describe the current state of rep. tony cuenco, suckered into a defensive corner by tommy. tommy accused tony of not doing much for the south district of cebu in the past nine years and tony retorted by publishing a full page ad showing his projects that amounted to close 433M and an additional 100M in proposed or ongoing projects. he even came up with a list of barangay captains, councilors and other supporters that received dole outs from him in the last election.

unfortunately, we all know that congressmen receive 70M for their annual swine barrel allocation. which now opens the question, what happened to the 200M balance? on another note, we ALL know that politicians grease the hands of a lot of barangay captains and councilors to ensure their support in the local and national elections. suffice to say that we ALL know that this is not allowed but everyone else does it. on the other hand, we also know better than to PUBLICLY launder the list just to prove we did our dirty part. that's plain stupidity.

atan guardo must be laughing as he guzzles arthro pills by the box, the better to get ready for a heating up race between him and tomas.


Anonymous said…
Hi! I'm from Palawan. I think you're successful downloading the justified left of the minima template..nakita ko dito> I can't download it. Mind if to just send me the code in one of my blogs. Thanks.
Cacho said…
hey jan, i can send you the xml file for the template. just give me your email address.
kanishk said…
Hey thanks of sharing good stuff about evolution.....

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