Fast Break

did you ever wonder why breakfast is called that? it's supposed to be a combination of two words, breaking fast. i guess when you've slept for eight hours you're hungry and needs to get some fuel before heading off to your daily activity. in my case, since i wake up at around ten in the morning, i usually have brunch. short for breakfast and lunch.

i usually grab something to eat before heading off to the gym. which is kind of ironic, i have this plan to lose some weight and i grab some food before lifting weights. hmmm.

i have this grand plan to sample the various eating joints that dot the road heading off to my gym and am posting two here: mojos (deliciously greasy and spicy deep fried potatoes served with garlic mayo) and spicy schublig sausage (too dry, don't order this) from handuraw, batchoy (noodle soup in clear beef broth with yesterday's leftover meats, ask them to re-heat this one) and tocilog (sweetened spicy chicken cutlets, fried garlic rice and the requisite saltless egg) from jollibee.

winner? TOCILOG! just get over the fact that we fiipinos love to cook our main dishes with sugar. it's like dessert and main course in one.

recommended? only if you're rushing and planning to get some food in your tummy. nothing spectacular and not worth the calories. and before you even think of it, yes, i know, the sausage looks like something for sale in a kinky sex shoppe.


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