Flying Free with No Baggage

It was just too good to be true. Cebu Pacific launched a promo giving free rides for passengers with no check-in baggage. Me and my friends rushed to the nearest counter to book ourselves a flight to manila.

It wasn't a surprise that the reservation agent looked at us in alarm as we crowded the counter asking about flight schedules. But it was a BIG surprise to us as I am sure she didn't even check the computer when she declared that the free seats are all reserved and we would have to pay full fare. and I am absolutely sure I heard her mutter: "if i had my way you'd be paying double the fare!"

How is it possible that all 50,000 seats are all reserved in the first day of the promo?

Disappointed, the gang proceeded to have buffet at Tong's but was turned away by the guard because all seats are occupied - from where we're standing, a lot of the seats don't have any asses on them. This is turning out to be a crappy day.

Anyways, the gang all posed for a souvenir shot:


Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
hehehe...remember what i told you about mine and my friends' experiences with low cost airlines? so far i've only met 1 person who's managed to avail of a promo. everyone else pays not-so-low cost fares!

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