Bangungot and Lucky Me

Disclaimer: The following message was forwarded by a friend. I have no patience for spelling or grammar correction so i simply pasted it as it is. Anything in italicized red is a comment from me.

Got this information from a US-based pharmacist who is a cousin of a colleague.

It seems only MALES are afflicted with this. We had a co-staff/driver from FAO who died last month from supposedly BANGUNGOT-- leaving a housewife and 3 very young kids.

IMPORTANT: Never go thirsty when going to bed and be sure you have plenty of water during your 8-hour rest. Bangungot has killed a male nurse of UERMMH. It is sudden death in adults which cause them to die while sleeping. Many theories have been put forward as its cause. However, here is an article which sheds some light to the cause of this malady. Please read on:

Article from THE PHILIPPINE STAR: (the subject of an intense critique from brian gorrell of the gucci gang scandal and is purpotedy facing credibility issues due to some interesting practice of some of their writers)

The reported cause of actor Rico Yan's death is nightmare or bangungot. Medical investigators in China , Japan and several Asian countries who performed autopsies on persons who died from "acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis" found out that the majority of them had eaten NOODLES as their supper. This was a startling finding.

However, it wasn't the noodles that caused nightmares but DEHYDRATION. Imbibing even with (with... what? Noodes? Lucky Me and Ginebra San Miguel?) a few drinks of alcohol or just eating noodles immediately before bedtime compound this (this uh... what?) on an empty stomach will trigger an electrolyte imbalance and other factors that causes a person to dehydrate or lose water. (at this point, the article "lost" me already - i, uh, well... am just about confused what this paragraph is about... so Lucky Me can cause dehydration?)

It is therefore advisable for a person to take several glasses of water before bedtime if he had a few or several (in short, any amount of..) alcoholic drinks. Avoid eating noodles before bedtime, but if you can not avoid it, allow at least two hours for the body to digest the noodles before hitting the sack and drink plenty of water. (drink plenty of water after hitting the sack?)

The most important thing is, never go thirsty when going to bed and be sure you have plenty of water during your 8-hour rest. (which is hardly any rest at all since you have to drink water DURING your 8-hour rest - you will definitely look bloated complete with baggy heavy lidded eyes if you do this)


and the most important part of the message read:

Medical investigators in China , Japan and several Asian countries who performed autopsies on persons who died from "acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis" found out that the majority of them had eaten NOODLES as their supper. - Here's a clue: Asians + Noodles = Americans + Potato. I wonder what wonderful powers of logical conclusion was used to come up with this "startling finding". It is like saying that people in the Philippines who died of heart attack had RICE just before the incident. right. noodles.

on the other hand, it doesn't hurt to follow the recommendation to hydrate before going off to bed. Lucky Me La Paz Batchoy is not hydration and Nivea Skim Milk is NOT diet milk.


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