how nerds get even....

maita's trying to get even by lending me "the alchemyst - the secrets of the immortal nicholas flamel". you see i got her reading percy jackson and the olympians, and just like any bookphile, she stayed up reading the books till the wee hours of the morning. oh you should have seen her a couple of weeks back, she fit right in the ghouls celebrating halloween in the office, dark circles around her eyes that no amount of block and white can ever hide. BWA HA HA HA HA (evil laughter)

knowing how obsessive i can get (see aj? it's not just food!) with reading, i made it a point to set my timer every night to a maximum of thirty minutes (with an extra snooze or two) before settling down to read the book.

if you're looking for a great read, this one's highly recommended. young adults category but this one packs a lot of intelligent stuff mixed in with factoids that will keep you writing up notes and notes of people, places and events to search in google. interested? go search nicholas flamel in wikipedia :)


April said…
I am one of those who were victimized by these two. T_T
Cacho said…
ah... ah... ah... i rest my case. not me! not me!!!!!
Cacho said…
hi apwil, i discovered a new series. but am saving it up before i share that one.
Marilenn said…
Hahaha I am only PARTLY responsible. But I am looking forward to Dennis' next discovery :) I don't have anything to read anymore! I hope you had a good trip to Manila boss :)

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