In the Company of Mayors

Two days spent in the company of two mayors. One for business, one for pleasure.

Saturday I joined my VP for a meeting with Tomas Osmena for some discussion related to opportunities for the BPO industry in Cebu. I am not at liberty to discuss details but it was an interesting experience having to listen in to ideas taking shape and form. Who was it that said realities are born from dreams? The Mayor is soft spoken but the famous wit and acerbic humor is there. I probably heard quotable quotes that would have made the day of any field reporter wanting to cash in on the latest scoop. but then again, that's the nature of a confidential conversation, it remains private.

Sunday I drove to Alcoy to meet up with my colleagues in UC. A simple get together of friends wanting to spend a day relaxing by the beach and catch up on the latest news. Reporters wouldn't have called it the latest scoop, but talking about the latest shenanigans in my old department is definitely much more interesting. Doc Mariz is the wife of Alcoy's mayor, Nicomedes de los Santos. First time I met the mayor despite the fact I worked closely with his wife in UC. Nico as he is fondly called by his wife made a definite impression. Down to earth is the most appropriate term to describe his attitude.

Whereas i enjoyed the company of two mayors, one was definitely more formal and businesslike whereas the other allowed me sit back, put my feet up and forget for a short moment that I still have another 90 kilometers to drive back to the city. Watch out for a write up about the Alcoy trip :)


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