Blogging is dead?
if i were to believe the article posted in inquirer a couple of days back, blogging is going the way of the bengal tiger. exotic but endangered. a study showed that there are only 14% of surveyed respondents saying that they have a blog compared to the same study a year ago that showed 28% of netizens maintain some sort of online blog. if you're still reading up to this point you're one of the few rare, dwindling group that can actually read beyond 144 characters and maintain some sort of interest in MY rambling. blogging is going the same way as the email. email in its time was a revolution but now seem insignificant with the advent of social networking sites that allow people to post the most mundane detail about their lives in an instant. who cares if you're picking your nose? then again, picking your nose with matching photos, videos and a million "pokes", "like", and interactive comments from a virtual community is sort of ego boosting. people...