Trivial Christmas Facts

if you ever find yourself stuck in the port of dumaguete waiting for a boat to Cebu, you may want to entertain yourself by watching the info-tv-board that flash bits of information, tips and trivia. I mean, do you know that the first recorded celebration of Christmas in the Philippines was 200 years before Magellan landed on our shores?

Or the fact that "Silent Night" was composed in 1818 by Franz Joseph Gruber, an Austrian who came up with the ditty because the Church Organ had a malfunction, probably from disuse. (Church, Organ, Not-Functioning - makes sense eh?)

other Christmas Trivia include the fact that Gloria is never sung in Advent Masses (and if you go by the signs of the times, that Gloria is really popular with the Church nowadays). It is an often forgotten fact that Advent Mass is not only to prepare for the Birth of Baby J but is also in preparation for the Apocalyptic Christ, or the second coming? That fact is emphasized by the gospel reading of the last and first Sunday of the Liturgical year that are the same in theme written by St. Matthew and St. Luke?

before i end this christmas rambling, let me share with you a fact about reindeers. according to the Alaskan Department of Fisheries and Games, all reindeers grow antlers, the only difference (aside from the reproductive organs) is that male reindeers shed their antlers before the start of the winter season whereas female reindeers retain theirs until they give birth in spring. a very interesting fact that leads to the conclusion that Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and Rudolph are all.... uh... ladies.


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