street smarts

only in the philippines where the senate is intent on ordering a full scale investigation on an alleged game fixing scandal in a local television show. there are thousands of legislation that bears more importance than this subject that can be handled by one many thousand redundant government agencies. but no, the senate has to order a special investigative committee to determine if there was indeed intent to cheat and manipulate the results.

just to make my stand, i think willie is an asshole. womanizer, obscene, foul-mouthed and an absolute lack of talent are just some adjectives we can tack on to his butt like a pin the tail on the donkey game. the fact that he looks like a donkey is not the subject.

anywaaaays, i can't say anything better about joey de leon. his sarcastic and snide asides to the issue leaves a bad taste considering that he comes from a competing station and offering similar types of game shows. i believe that he would have come out the better man if he refused to comment on the situation. let the senate do their job, never mind that it is a botched job.

except for game ka na ba, i don't even watch any of the noon time or game shows on national tv. the shows pander to a delusional hope of overcoming poverty by a game of chance where extreme dejection and poverty seem to be a pre-requisite to become a contestant. on hindsight, game shows are the perfect telenovela - melodrama and fantasy combined.

to make matters more interesting, tito sotto volunteered his street-smart "expert" services to senate to help them understand how to run a fool-proof game segment on tv. by that definition alone he has negated his offer of service - he is a fool, no need for proof.

as a country we were fooled to voting him into the 9th Congress. 2007 saw his failed attempt to regain the role of court jester in senate. without a job, he had to crawl back on national television as host of eat bulaga.

regarding sotto's offer to provide expert service to senate, i suspect he just misses the overpriced "turon" and executive lounge.

wowowee mga tanga nawiwili...

i hope willie gets kicked out for good from national television, the reality is: his attempt at singing gives me indigestions.

post script: i grab my humba and pakbet in the carinderia behind the gym during lunch time where edu keeps me entertained with game ka na ba trivia information. between bites i thump my fist on the plyboard table as i try to blurt out the answer ahead of the contestants. my only consolation is that they don't seem to have tragic lives as a requirement to joint he show.


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