mediterranean coastline?

for some reason, this picture of the layered mountain ranges in different hues broken by the pastel colored structure right smack in the middle of the picture and framed by the expanse of flat silver sea waters reminded me of some french / Mediterranean coastal scene.

-argao, mahayahay


wow. did you take this? did you edit? nice!
Cacho said…
hi diane :) yes, the photo is mine - 99% of the pics in this blog are from my collection (Except for the ones that are obviously downloaded from the web ha ha ha). the only edit for this one included the border around the pic an cropping it using the 7X5 frame. btw, i love visiting your site as well - love the whimsical quality of the pics you post
thanks! although for some, i was just trying to make the most out of faiiiled photos! :)

you take such wonderful photos! i wonder, what camera and lens do you use? any tips for a beginner like me?
Cacho said…
hmmm i really won't consider myself a guru or a pro, a serious hobbyist more like it ha ha ha. if there's any serious tip i can give is to go to a lot of photography sites as they usually publish the settings used for most of the pictures taken. you won't believe how much you'll learn just by going through that information. oh, you can also google rules of thirds or composition rules in photography as there are a lot of tutorials online. my camera? a canon powershot SX20 IS, a semi pro one. and the simplest tip ever, take time to read the manual and learn all the little details and features of the camera. :P - keep on clicking!

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