where in the world...

i decided to check the map view of hits to my blog and got a visitor from United Arab Emirates (UAE). i swear, i... don't... have... anything... to do... with the... ABU SAYAD! Err... SAYAF!

i am a bit disappointed as i am expecting visits from maldives (oh wait, they got swallowed by the giant tsunami), madagascar (siraj! where the hell are you?!), thailand (jim, you still visiting the brothels?), hk (doodle?!?! don't make me come over and do my chinese-siopao-lin move on ya! lin tek, tina go, eng bee-tin sia - my beloved chinese friends?!?!)

Kidding aside, that would be ilanggo (sri lankan, former staff who now works for a travel agency in dubai), musharaff (former staff who works for Emirates), donna, ziya and some other friends who work for Qatar air.

I also got some visitors from SINGAPORE (faliq ismail, minette) which reminds me that i have to get my ass back to singapore as i promised valentina i'd meet her there from KL.

not to be missed, the AUSTRALIAn contingent finally showed up (thanks eden, janet, cat, ethel pini) after threatening them that i'd be writing the Australian Computer Society to revoke my endorsement of their membership if they don't visit my blog. which reminds me, my own membership is as old as using BASIC as my main programming language. I am that old you know.

if you want to check it out, the link to sitemeter is at the lower left side of the site, just scroll down and you'd see the icon there. click on that and click on World View :)


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