sunday distractions

going to church is never convenient. we drag ourselves out of bed on the day that most of us want to just roll around lazily in bed, we choose our clothes carefully to look a bit decent when i'd rather wear my old worn out shorts and flip-flops, drive to church trying not to shout expletives to early morning traffic monsters, fight for parking space, and if you're running a bit late, get some butt space in church where the heat seem to pervade the air.

going to church is never convenient, and that is precisely the reason why i personally value my time at church, because it is my sacrifice to be able to talk silently with God.

i know i haven't been burning the lines to heaven and am sure if prayer is a pre-paid connection, my hundred peso load will probably last me till the end of the year. i probably use it to send a quick text message "God, You there?" every time i get on a plane to visit a client in another island.

anyways, today at church was a bit more distracting for me as i spied this girl trying to catch butterflies. this is not the innocent girl running after flitting butterflies but a malicious girl who probably wanted to pull off the wings once she's gotten hold of the poor animal. more than twice, she swatted at the flowers when she got frustrated. if it was just some stupid antic i wouldn't have minded except that her ward who was probably five years old, was standing looking at her and trying to mimic her actions. it didn't help that her employer seem not to care.

at one point, a thought passed through my head: just once, i wished that butterflies had BIG, SHARP teeth.


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