global warming
do you know who is reading you? or who visits your site? sitemeter has a cool function that tracks number of visits and the geographic location of these visitors. it was interesting to note that my site has a global community of readers.
trying to figure out my network of visitors is not that tough.
trying to figure out my network of visitors is not that tough.
UK - the del mars, cat huang, asif
ITALY - alecx mossige, cecil smago (my close friends who got married to a swede and german respectively), pam (cousin), niezel (got married to an american based in italy)
SWEDEN - cecil (another dear friend who works for WHO)
SRI LANKA - ayoob, shehan, hussain, marlene, hisham and previous staff in HelloCorp
MALAYSIA - valentina (another barkada that settled in KL)
JAPAN - my english teacher friends, justin, kinoe
USA - moose, my sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts, lilah, mita
CANADA - rick, ed, tom
KOREA - i... i am sure i know someone from korea, at least one person related to the 100,000 who have settled in Cebu.
IRAN - nope, i haven't gotten myself recruited by the taliban. i do have a lot of parsi friends who originated from iran but all of them are based in india. i do have a number of iranian friends in Cebu as well: soheil, nader and ehsan recently went back to iran during summer break.
PHILIPPINES - too many to mention...
i am missing some people from australia, thailand and would have to make sure i reach out to them :)
the warmth of my world is measured by the people whose lives i've touched. It is a constant reminder that the only memories left in this world are the ones made immortal by those who remember us long after we are gone.
keep on visiting this site ;)