International Sausage

when someone tells you "i had german, hungarian and italian in one night." you probably have to bite your tongue before you utter the word "whore!"

but that's exactly what I had, and before you start calling me names similar to the swine variety, i am talking about "sausages".

if you're craving for deliciously grilled sausage with side salad, i recommend you discover Tinder Box along archbishop reyes ave (corner bauhinia road) in cebu city. they have an extensive menu (pricey but good) but the best deals are not written on it.

cheesy hungarian

proceed to go to the deli area and order your sausages (i had st. galer schublig, cheese hungarian and italian garlic) and ask the attendant to have it char grilled and served. they add on a mere Php 38 pesos for the grilling. request for baked potato if you want a bit of variety.

st. galer schublig

germans are big, a tad soft, pale in color but a bit bland, the hungarians are huge and bursting with cheesy cream. italians are plump, short, thick and bursting with the garlicky smell and flavor. i know, the previous line read like a porn article but i'm running out of metaphors.

italian garlic sausages

they charge by the gram and sausages range from Php 47 - 49 per 100 grams. Our bill came up to about Php 600 with two of each variety, two cups of ric and soda (then again, we had to pay for the overpriced cup of rice at Php 50 per serving and soda at Php 60. better yet, get water and forego the rice altogether).

one tip, make sure to tell them NOT to slice the sausages before grilling. they can't seem to understand that concept. you don't want to lick off the cheese from your fingers do you? (uh, now that was really porn-like)


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