Yasser Arafat (x)

The US and Israel calls him a terrorist. I wonder. No, this is not to justify his actions, or give my two cents worth of journalism in a topic that's already becoming common fodder in cnn, bbc, channelnewsasia etc.. (Yasser Arafat died Thursday, November 11, 2004 3:30AM in Paris, France)

I just happened to get a peek on his life for the past weeks, months and the days prior to his death and I wonder why a man labeled as a terrorist has eyes that speak so much of pain and sorrow, but not the cold madness that one usually expects from a "terrorist".

Was he a victim of circumstances and a system that kept him trapped not just by Israel but among his own people?

In the end, God only can give his soul rest and peace, I can only wish the same for Palestine and Israel.


(There is an interesting timeline that traces his life published in cnn. Click here to view the details. Use your own discretion in analyzing the data presented.)


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