Children of a Lesser God (x)

With so much suffering around us we tend to get desensitized, to feel apathy for the plight of the world.

I was on my way home from the gym in a bus when it happened to pause in front of a closed up, boarded restaurant, its front littered with garbage - apparently it has closed up for a while and beggars have come to take up residence in its shelter. I turned away as it is a common sight but I heard a faint cry coming from one section of the place and I looked at an infant staring at me, small bits of crumb falling from his lips. His tiny fingers held the bread as he stared at me, eyes wide and dull. Just as quickly he lost interest and started to struggle again from the arms of his mother who was trying to feed him the bread... the crying out continued.

I cast my eyes down as I felt my heart breaking. I wanted to step down and give some money to the mother but that moment of hesitation gave me no time as the bus rumbled to life and moved on. The guilt still lives within my heart and I don't know if I'd ever be able to get that image off my mind for a long while...

Here's a quote that I happened to get from Warrior of the Light site that struck a resounding chord in me:

The reason for being here (Gregory Corrigan)

The man walked down the main street in his town. He saw beggars, cripples, people in a state of misery. Unable to live with so much suffering, he implored to heaven above: "God, how can you love human beings so much and at the same time do nothing for those who are suffering?"

"I did something for them," a voice said. "I made you."

It has been a long time since I cried. Today was one of those rare moments.


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