Respect All Animals - Oommmmm....

Buddhists absolutely hate the idea of killing a poor animal for food. I mean I understand it when they give *icks* and *yucks* when I propose the idea of getting all the stray dogs that litter the streets and just export them to Korea (believe me, I got some murderous looks when I volunteered the idea in a discussion... in the middle of a meal. Then again, they are ok to "murder " me when they hate the idea of killing an animal... really now...)

I can't even begin to start counting the benefits of making such a move and will reserve it in another entry. But the whole theme of this entry is Respect All Animals *ooohhhhmmmmmm*

Ok, ok... let's presume I buy into that concept. But I think we should restrict that to certain things... like, animals that run around in four feet, has fur... ok, animals that has feathers... scales?

But I draw the LINE when an animal has more than four feet! (read: INSECTS)

I was having a discussion with Gaya (a former staff and is now nowhere to be found...) regarding some business plans of the company when a small, transparent, yellowish cockroach walked nonchalantly right accross my table. Confident in the fact that Animals Should Not Be Harmed. I was getting to whack it with a rolled-up newspaper when Gaya squealed:

"Please no! That's just a poor baby cockroach! It is innocent!"

I looked at her with a rather stupid blank stare for a second or two then promptly flattened the bugger on my desk. *Splak*

"It's going to grow up and it's going to be a pest. One cockroach down, a million more to go!"

Seriously now! Duh!


Anonymous said…
Your blog sucks. Even if the Anus of God and the Virgin Mary opened in the sky, there could not be a greater rain of shit. Say three Hail Marys and four Our Fathers. Have a nice day.

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