Sex - An Accident Waiting To Happen

former teen stars, has-been actors turned married men were asked about the importance of sex in a marriage in a tv show called "Moms" and what sort of advice they can give their sons. like some pathetic self-help (uhmmm, it probably is not the kind of "self-help" you think i was referring to...) lecture, they went on and on about sex to be an act of procreation that should be done between married couples.

I am sure that 99.99% of sexual acts committed by people in the showbiz industry does not fall under the category "married". and if i am to believe all the gossip going around, more than half of those sexual encounters are not between adam and eve, more like adam and steve.

before i continue, i categorically wanted to state that i am not encouraging extramarital or premarital sex. on the other hand, to state that sex should be exclusively for procreation is about the same thing as saying that the family is nothing but a farm where you take a hen and rooster and have them do the chicken dance so i can get many many chicken little running around.

I personally believe that 99% of sexual acts are done for the pleasure derived of at least one party (we have to account for the fact that at times, sex is a commodity that is paid for or taken by force by one party - o yeah, some men AND women pay for sex) and that the remaining 1% fulfills the purpose of natural procreation. Out of that 1% i am sure that 0.75% is unplanned (whoooops i did it again!) and that 0.25% is the only time where mom and dad sat down and discussed over dinner the details of creating the little darling. Then again i'm not a statistician nor do i have access to study groups willing to have their sexual encounters documented. Oh wait, is that the reason why men keep porn? For the "research"?

isn't it a bit disconcerting, to think that a lot of us are results of accidents? hmmmm..

On another note - of that 99%, i am sure that 50% is on the self-help category.

for any violent reaction, talk to your shrink or your friendly parish priest - just make sure you're not part of that parish where the priest claimed that playing with girls bra straps are part of the confession process. you don't want to end up as part of that 99% statistic do you?


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