ouija - movie notes

having exhausted all entertainment options from harry potter, transformers, simpsons, ratatouille and the national news, i allowed myself (willingly) to watch ouija starring all the starlets in philippine showbiz.

simply put, the story is too simple, the cinematography dirty, muddied, dark, out of focus. the haunting becomes routine after a couple of the same-style scare tactics and the director employed a lot of the stop-motion techniques that takes out in-between frames: the result is that the ghost seem to be doing a michael jackson impersonation.

and hey, quit with the wall-climbing, crouching and crawling thing - this is not a sequel to spiderman.

i could have used the money i paid (php 130) to buy tons of barbecue in larshan and probably have a bigger scare thinking if i'm going to end up with hepatitis. to the un-initiated, larshan is the mecca of street-side barbecue in cebu that's a verifiable tourist attraction (imagine tons of koreans squatting along the street munching on chicken adidas) and health hazzard ("smoked" means entirely a different thing in this area).

i enjoyed the movie to a point, but it does not deserve the A rating given to it. don't watch this one.


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