Blogging is dead?

if i were to believe the article posted in inquirer a couple of days back, blogging is going the way of the bengal tiger. exotic but endangered.

a study showed that there are only 14% of surveyed respondents saying that they have a blog compared to the same study a year ago that showed 28% of netizens maintain some sort of online blog.

if you're still reading up to this point you're one of the few rare, dwindling group that can actually read beyond 144 characters and maintain some sort of interest in MY rambling.

blogging is going the same way as the email. email in its time was a revolution but now seem insignificant with the advent of social networking sites that allow people to post the most mundane detail about their lives in an instant. who cares if you're picking your nose? then again, picking your nose with matching photos, videos and a million "pokes", "like", and interactive comments from a virtual community is sort of ego boosting. people actually "care" about what you do, specially when you're spewing bad vibes. yup, notice just how many more people comment on your status if you post something slightly off center?

so will i give this up?

i've been blogging long before it became a fad. that sort of answers the question.

and hey, if you're reading this, thank you for sticking around. do leave a comment :)


Anonymous said…
Betcha by gollow wow!!! If blogging is becoming a rarity, I'd better step up on all those controversial, below the belt potshots on my blog before I lose my readers! Hehehehe!

- Joe
Erich Jao said…
never been a fan of fads. i often either get on the wagon too early or too late thus all to often stay when it's no longer fashionable.

i mean in this day and age where convenience is the norm i still am married when it appears the fad to split up and cat around...
Cacho said…
@joe - met up with netty today. she's clueless as to what's happening with jack. didn't have the heart to tell her. btw, do you have news about ande?

@erich - "i mean in this day and age where convenience is the norm i still am married when it appears the fad to split up and cat around..." that means we're just old fashioned he he he good job bro!
Diane Veloso Blanco said…
blogging? dead? lol.

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