i am a callboy (",)

i admit, i have taken up my old profession. yes, i work at night, staying up late and servicing all kinds of customers. haggling for prices and services. i go home early in the morning only to get some sleep before getting up in the evening to prepare for a workout in the gym (to make sure i am fit and healthy for the work that i do) before going back to work.

yes, i am a call boy. i work for a call center. he he he


Cybele said…
My dear, if you become a real callboy... naku, can I be your "manager"?!

Yayaman ako sa yoooo!!!

By the way, I killed na my LiveJournal (it was just too tedious to maintain 3 blogs eh)
Unknown said…
hi Cacho,
looking for a way to get in touch with you without giving away my email to everyone else. Let's see how good u are in coded language. Pls send me email at 12345678@msn.com where 1=starting letter of your dad's nickname,2=p,3to8 = the first 6 letters of the last name of your Uncle Lauro or of your cousin Paul.
You will not be sorry,

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