Food Trip! - Arano's

By publishing this I am risking the only place where people go for clandestine romantic dates. you see, unless you have the patience of a treasure-hunter, this place is primarily a word-of-mouth sort of establishment. and when i say treasure, i am referring to sinfully spanish comida tesoro ! if you do not look closely, you'll miss the sign right beside the door that says "Arano". Incidentally, that also refers to the family name of the seƱor that greets you with a huge smile and broken cebuano mixed into spanish - not necessarily in that order though. tonight he had a reproachful look on his grandpappi eyes, full moustache twitching and scolding us for the long while since we last came back. without missing a beat he ushers us in and promptly engages us in a conversation. i suspect half the people here comeback precisely because of this gentleman. that and the fantastic food. saboroso ! click more for saliva-inducing pictures hmmmm.... succulently soft pork-chops delicat...